пн-пт: с 10:00 до 19:00
сб-вс: по предварительной записи

+7 (916) 349-50-50

Условия соглашения

I. Terms of service for using the Store

1. Each customer, who paid for the order has the right to return the goods within 30 days.

2. Registration is performed by filling and accepting the registration form, provided on one of the Store pages.

3. The Internet Store, conducting business at mileagestopper.com

4. Questions and complaints can be directed to order@mileagestopper.com.

5. These Terms and Conditions specify in particular:

a) rules of registering and using an account within the Internet store;

b) conditions and rules of performing electronic bookings of products available within the Internet store;

c) conditions and rules of placing Orders within the internet store by electronic means.

6. International Civil Code is the main document of the mileagestopper.com.

II. Definitions

Customer — an individual, a legal entity or a business unit that is not a legal entity, to whom specific regulations grant legal personality, who makes an Order within the Store;

Terms and Conditions — these Terms and Conditions of providing services by electronic means, within the Internet store mileagestopper.com

Internet Store (Store) — the website available at the address mileagestopper.com, which the Customer can use to place Orders;

Merchandise — products displayed in the Internet store; 

Sales Agreement — an agreement on selling Merchandise, as defined by the Civil Code, executed between mileagestopper.com and the Customer, executed using the Internet Store website; 

Order — a Customer's declaration of will, leading directly to executing a Sales Agreement, specifying, in particular, the type and quantity of Merchandise.